A Bad Day Turned Into A Good Experience ♡

Hey Lovelies! Remember my post on my Bad Day, well I have a bit of an update on that! My family did go on the trip I talked about & I stayed...by myself! A couple of you were kind enough to advise me to stay and embrace my time alone. Well, you guys were right! It has been a growing experience and a preview of my soon-to-be independent life. It has only been two days, but I have discovered so much strength in me and in my beliefs. I have prayed so much (as my wonderful dad advised me to) and have even avoided my emergency anxiety pills. I want to make the best out of this and want to be able to manage it on my own as I think I might be ready. 

At first I was completely terrified, as you will be able to tell from my first post on this, but now, I feel way different. Even though I feel strange, and it's not my favorite thing ever to be away from my family, I have realized that I can do it. I have given myself the chance to test my relaxing methods and overall anxiety control. It has not been easy, specially at night... but the important thing is, I have survived! My fears have always stopped me from doing so many things, and I have tried to not let them control me, but have failed multiple times. I was full of fear when I first thought about staying, and even the second before they left I thought I wouldn't be able to handle it, but I made myself let go. As much as I love my family, I need to learn how to be without them. And not just that... but, as much as I love my comfort zone, I need to learn how to step away from it. 

In only two days, I have completely changed my outlook on this whole situation. And you know what? It feels great! I still have it, I am still a little scared, but I am okay! My boyfriend has been the most supportive man ever and has treated me with such kindness throughout all of this, so I have to give him credit for keeping me calm and sane. And even though my parents are away, they are looking after me! They have showed me that I might be physically alone, but never without their love and protection. 

Staying busy has been the key! I have been doing different types of activities since the minute they left. I haven't even been on my laptop until now, but I figured I needed to express how happy and thankful I am. I wanted to share what I have done so far:

  • Driven cars for approximately 5 hours (without anxiety).
  • Watched 2 comedies with my bf!
  • Bought my new favorite nail polish and painted my nails (a very out-of my comfort zone color). :)
  • Listened to my favorite upbeat music...nothing sad as I believe that music always sets my mood!
  • Cooked food (enough amount for tomorrow 2 days).
  • Bought my favorite ice cream! 
  • Slept at least 8 hours!
I still have about a week of alone time so I have plenty of activities left to do and emotions to control, so I will keep you guys posted! :)

With love,


♡ Be Happy Always ♡


  1. Such a lovely post I also find that staying busy helps so much


  2. Staying busy can keep your mind off of things. Glad you did good! :) what color polish? :) music can be so therapeutic .

    1. Yes, it definitely helps a lot! The nail polish is Tart Deco by Essie! I absolutely love it, hope you like it too! Thank you so much for the support! xx

  3. I'm glad you are staying busy to help and keep the positive energy flowing :) Listening to my favourite music obsessions always pits me into great spirits.


    1. Aww, thank you lovely! Yes, music fixes everything! xx
